The State of Nevada mandates 15/30/10 coverage on all SR-22's. This means $15,000 for the bodily injury or fatality of one person, $30,000 for the bodily injury or fatality of two or more people, and $10,000 for property damage.
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Nevada, you may be required to file an SR22 (Proof of Financial Responsibility) form in order to get your driver's license reinstated. Your insurance company will file this form with the DMV once you've paid for an SR22 insurance policy.
If you do not own a vehicle, you will need to purchase non-owner SR22 insurance. Your insurance company will then file a "non-owner SR22 form." A non-owner SR22 insurance certificate proves that you will be able to pay for damages done to other vehicles and their drivers if you are ever involved in an accident. A non-owner SR22 insurance policy does not protect you or the vehicle you are driving.
A Nevada SR22 is required for 3 continuous years from the date that you get your license reinstated. You only have to file the actual SR22 form once. However, if you fail to maintain your liability insurance, your insurance company is required to notify the DMV. If this happens, the DMV will notify you of a possible re-suspension of your driver's license. If you do not fix the situation immediately, your driver's license will be suspended and your 3-year SR22 requirement will begin over again.
If you are under a Nevada Non Owner SR22, and during your SR22 requirement you become the owner of a vehicle, you must change your SR22 coverage immediately. Be sure to file the new SR22 form before the old one is canceled.
Nevada SR22 insurance is a Liability Only insurance coverage and will not cover:
Drivers who are required to carry Nevada SR22 insurance must typically keep it in effect, uninterrupted, for a period of three years.
There are various reasons a driver may be classified as a high risk driver and to be required to maintain Nevada SR22 insurance for a set amount of time. Some examples are:
FR44 & SR22 Experts, LLC. Specializes in Nevada SR22 insurance products. With thousands of policies sold, FR44 & SR22 Experts has the resources, experience, and customer support to find you the right policy at the lowest price. As Insurance Brokers, we're not tied to any specific company. Our objective is to find the right product that matches your legal requirements and budget. FR44 & SR22 Experts routinely finds Nevada SR22 policies that are thousands of dollars less than competing quotes... simply by shopping the market at the time of purchase. Let FR44 & SR22 Experts find you the lowest price on your Nevada SR22 today! Call Now or enter your information into our Quoting Engine!
While we shop MANY companies to find the lowest rate available, be careful to not shop on price alone. You’re going to want an agent/agency that’s familiar with the system so your policy is properly submitted and acknowledged by the DMV. We sell thousands of SR22’s every year, which makes us experts in this market. Improperly submitted paperwork is often an issue with lesser experienced agencies. This can cause you to owe additional fees, incur a longer suspension duration, and/or other unwanted repercussions. Experience is critical!